Interviews, Talks, Presentations, and more
New Books Network Interview
On this episode of the New Books Network, Dr. Lee Pierce (s/t) Drs. Jane Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud about how our classical conceptions of stylistic language may be more open opening to otherness than stabilizing meaning.
Nov. 24, 2020
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)’s Oral History Initiative
“The archive consists of 21 audio interviews recorded at the 2018 RSA conference, transcripts of those interviews, and miscellaneous supplementary materials. Recorded on the occasion of RSA’s fiftieth anniversary, the interviews feature long-time RSA members, past and present officers and board members, and those who were otherwise a part of key moments in the society’s history. The essay’s authors explore the contents of the interviews, emphasizing three key terms frequently invoked by the interviewees themselves: interdisciplinary, intimacy, and inclusivity. ”
December 19, 2019
Interview with Inspiring Woman—Dr. Jane Sutton By Women United Chair
Dr. Jane Sutton's words of inspiration to help guide, motivate and encourage us. To further the inspiration, there will also be a time of audience Question & Answer. Reesy Neff, BB&T, United Way of York County, Women United
May 18, 2017
Centre Square Courthouse:
Amid dispute, woman speaks her mind
“So begins the story of York in relation to the Revolutionary War,”